Saturday, August 31, 2019
Strategy Marketing Report on K&N’s
K&N’s, a founding pillar and beacon for Pakistan’s Poultry Industry started in 1964 with a single minded objective of providing better nutrition for health and happiness of the nation. Building on years of poultry expertise and commitment to food-safety, K&N’s integrated all poultry production activities under one umbrella to bring you safe and healthy chicken by managing and controlling all stages of production. Products. K&N’s markets layer and broiler hatching-eggs, layer and broiler, day-old chicks, poultry feed, processed chicken and ready-to-cook & fully cooked food. I selected only the ready to cook category of K&N’s which include Nuggets, Croquettes, Chicken Tempura, Burger Patties, Kofta, Combo wings, Fun nuggets, Hot Tenders, Chapli Kabab, Harey Bharey Nuggets and Tender Pops. Distribution Products are stored at -21?C to maintain freshness. Packed products are moved into K&N’s sanitized refrigerated trucks for distribution to ensure uncompromising quality control. K&N’s chicken products are available at K&N’s Chicken Stores and leading retailers and also delivered to quality and food-safety conscious institutions such as hotels, restaurants, airlines, clubs and international restaurant chains. Market share Market share of K&N’s is almost 70% (on average) in ready to cook food category. At Hyper Star almost 80% people buy K&N’s products. At CSD almost 60% people buy K&N’s products and at Macro almost 75% people buy this brand. This is the highest market share and at this time it is the leading brand in this category. Where the brand stands? The brand is growing rapidly day by day due to the customer satisfaction and the product is according to the customer’s requirement as well as they are targeting different segments of the markets like children and the vegetarians. Positive points of its product From the customer view point K&N’s is providing healthy food. It is easy to cook especially it facilitates the working women because they don’t have much time to make all those things in home. They are targeting the children as well through fun nuggets so women are using for their children lunch. This brand provides the hygienic food to its customer that build trust in the customer. Moreover the taste of K&N’s food is superior then others. These attributes are increasing its’ market share and this brand is growing. Competitors Competitors of K&N’s are Menu and Mano salwa. Both of these brands couldn’t make its brand image as strong as K&N’s has. Secondly they are not providing that level of customer satisfaction that K&N’s is providing. Target market The company is targeting different age groups as well as different income groups. Their prices are normal so even a middle class person can afford it. They are targeting elite upper middle and middle class. On the age basis, they are targeting children as well as the young people. Conclusion K&N’s is a largest selling brand in ready to cook food category. They are focusing more and more on the fully cooked products for the ease of customers with the special focus on the hygiene factor. It is the brand that provide value product to its customer. There market starts with the customers and end with the customer. This is the main reason for their market share and market growth
Friday, August 30, 2019
NATURE and How It Affects the Human Views
The written works of E.B. White and Loren Eiseley primary show the importance of literary implications upon the truth that connects nature with human behaviors. From their writings, It could be noted that the views of the authors upon the relation of natural wealth with the wealth of human individuals which they primary have in themselves. To be able to explain this idea further, an examination on the stories of the said authors shall be explained in this paper. However, to continue with the observation of the written works, it is important to carry these following questions in mind during the discussion: How does the description of nature on the part of each author reflect the abilities of humans to change and retain their characteristics at the same time? How does the explanation of Natural adjustments able to picture the actual adjustments that humans deal with themselves everyday? How well did the authors discuss the ways by which nature itself becomes a metaphor to the human ways? Once More to the Lake by E.B. White The narrative description adapted by White in this particular story has much related the idea she was portraying to the trip that their family made to the pond when they went for a vacation. From the narration, it could be observed that she had a detailed description of every creature that she found to have inherited the areas that they were passing by. The life-based descriptions of the author upon the different living things that she saw along their journey showed so much connection with the human behavior towards the different situations that they are faced with everyday. The ways by which the animals tried to adapt to the changing climate as well as the changing situations that they needed to face in the environments that they exist with noted the fact the plants as well as the small animals picture the actualization if the fact that humans too are able to adjust with all the challenges that th they face in life everyday, that whatever the situations may post to them, they are trying their best to survive the pressures to the best possible way that they could. The Brown Wasps by Loren Eiseley In this particular writing, the small insects such as the mice were attested by the author as primary metaphors of the human behavior. This particular behavior relates the human creation towards the fact that they are able to make possible adjustments in their lifestyle depending on the environment that they are living in. It is undeniable that the ways by which the mice try to search for the best possibilities in the area that they are currently living in describes the exact process utilized by humans to adjust to the lives that they are supposed to face as individuals depending on the changes in their own society. Conclusion As a summary of the entire discussion presented herein, it is undeniable that both authors show the fact that the human behavior is indeed related to the fact that they are opportunists, like that of the small insects and small plants that are transferred from one place to another because of the wind or because of the demands of the climate, humans are also forced to change their lifestyle based on the environment that they are living in. This particular characteristic of humans makes it easier to survive life as they are able to portray in life right now. Reference: E.B. White Once More to the Lake (1941). (October 26, 2007). The Brown Wasps by Loren Eiseley. (1992). (October 26, 2007).   Â
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Resolving Ethical Business Challenges
1. What are the potential ethical issues faced by ACME Corp? Frank from ACME corp. is leveraging his personal relationship and offering bribes and kickbacks to Otis of Thermocare to increase purchase contracts. This could potentially be a large problem if Thermocare becomes aware of such practices. The purchase of product should be warranted w/ quality of products and price structures, not because it gets you tickets to baseball games and Cancun. If ACME is competitive, there is nothing wrong with these kick-backs. If there is a better option for Thermocare, however, and Otis is choosing ACME for kickbacks alone, this becomes an ethical problem. If other customers of ACME or general public discovered these practices, they could damage their infrastructure thru lost revenue or hurt their public image. Related reading: Disadvantages of Ethics in the Workplace 2.What should ACME do if there is a desire to make ethics a part of its core organizational values? If ACME wanted to adapt Ethics as part of its core organizational values, they should start in the same approach as the structure of the business, top-down. Amber may be Frank’s boss but does business no more ethical than Frank does. Instead of warning of ethical issues, she re-enforces the practice of bribing the client. Therefore, Amber requires ethical training as much as Frank does. Her manager likely needs Ethical training as well as anyone up the chain. 3.Identify the ethical issues of which Frank needs to be aware. Frank needs to be aware of ethical issues of bribery. He should understand that his personal reputation as well as ACME’s is at risk when conducting business in this manner. Frank should start by asking himself if Thermocare would be as interested in ACME’s product if Otis was not able to squeeze kick-backs out of Frank and Amber. Frank should also be aware that Amber, despite being his manager, is as un-ethical as Frank is. She specifically tells Frank that no one will find out about the funding for season tickets as well as the trip to Cancun. 4.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each decision that Frank could make. The easiest thing Frank could do is continue the bribery, say by funding Otis’s night at the Adult Entertainment venue. This would keep Otis happy and coming back for more kick-backs. Otis, Frank, Amber and the rest of ACME corp. would materialistically benefit from this continued business practice. It is unknown whether or not Thermocare is benefitting from this relationship. It is clear, however, that someone is paying for this. The disadvantage of continuing this bribery is clear. If the kick-backs become exposed to the rest of Thermocare, the client may terminate Otis and further sales with ACME Corp. If the rest of ACME Corp. found out about Amber and Frank’s methods, there would likely be disciplinary action. Additionally, if this matter became public, Frank and Amber could have jeopardized ACME’s reputation and severely hurt future sales with anyone.
Compensation (HRMD) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Compensation (HRMD) - Essay Example Consequently, the desirable outcomes such as reduction in poverty, greater availability of short-term employment opportunities, increase in GDP etc. are obtained, which lead to societal well-being and prosperity. For instance, technological advancement increases labor productivity, process and product innovation, specialization, communication and transportation networks. In turn, the economies of scale (mass production) is observed, which reduces total business costs and lowers market prices. Finally, the aggregate consumption and demand increases because of overall improvement in economy. However, any underlying weaknesses or negative feedback may transform a virtuous into a vicious circle. In contrast, the latter has undesirable outcomes and negative consequences such as increase in poverty and unemployment, economic contraction, low aggregate consumption and output etc. For instance, constant increase in money supply may result in inflation that, in turn, will reduce real incomes in society. Consequently, the aggregate consumption will reduce and economy will observe negative growth rate (Samuelson & Nordhaus, 2009). The Organizational structure refers to internal managerial system and hierarchy. In fact, it showcases the how tasks into departments are assigned, how they are delegated and how decision-making and implementation is being done and at various managerial levels. Indeed, the organizational chart is a diagram that shows the top, middle and first-line management levels as well as reveals the structure (vertical functional, divisional, matrix, virtual and networking) that firm has adopted. The internal structure is extremely important in today’s new workplace business environment because it determines the chain of command, which refers to the authority executives enjoy because of their position based on which they are deemed responsible for decision-making, problem solving, strategic planning,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Paper 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Paper 3 - Essay Example Therefore according to the engineering code of conduct, such a scenario falls under the technical coordination, the behavioral responses and drawing up conclusions based on the cultural knowledge. Therefore, the actions that I will most likely take are based on placing at heart the issue of quality control and in accordance to the context of the engineer’s code of conduct. In accordance to the above engineering case study, the applicability of the code of ethics and consideration of engineering as a social experiment comes out clearly. For instance, according to the ASCE code of standards, engineers are supposed to take actions based on the social and ethical responsibility and within the context of divergent cultures. Therefore the actions that were likely taken and also that were least likely to be taken were based on the fact that engineers have a moral responsibility to ensure improved safety and societal conditions and also take actions regardless of the diversity of the engineering setting case presented. Therefore in accordance to the responses and the case study presented, it is clear that the issues of ethical, social responsibility and regulations difference
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The American War on Terror in Afghanistan Essay
The American War on Terror in Afghanistan - Essay Example Moreover, many others believe that America should reassess its strategy from a realistic point of view to extricate itself from the conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq to concentrate on the wider aspects of the war on terrorism.  Now the question is how a country can attack another country without convincing reasons? Moreover, why the rest of the world keeping silence even when two sovereign states attacked by a superpower? How can the idealism of spreading democracy with the help of war be justified? Is it necessary for America to take a more pragmatic approach in fighting against terrorism? This paper tries to find answers to above question with the help of analysis of the war on terror both in Iraq and Afghanistan in a realistic point of view.  America’s war on terror strategies lacks consistency and a proper shape. While it engages in an all-out attack in Iraq, it uses targeted attacks in specific areas in Afghanistan. The reasons cited for attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan are entirely different. In Iraq, America accused that the president Saddam itself is leading the terrorist networks whereas in Afghanistan they had no such worries. In Afghanistan, America is getting support from the administration in their efforts to eliminate the Taliban led terrorist groups.  Mearsheimer (2005) has argued that Hans Joachim Morgenthau, one of the most important political thinkers of the 20th century and one of the great realist thinkers of all time has opposed the Vietnam War and he would have opposed the current war on terror also on same grounds. Mearsheimer has also mentioned that the dispute about whether to go to war in Iraq was between two competing theories of international politics: realism and the neo-conservatism that underpins the Bush doctrine (Mearsheimer). Many people now suspect that President Bush has certainly hidden agendas in conducting the war on terror.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16
Paper - Essay Example Other established businesses have sufficient capital for investment and offer substitute products for students who arrive in college late at nights (Bradford, n.p). This is because the students cannot afford taxis to access the other outlets that sell healthy foods at high prices so their only option is to visit the nearby restaurants. Indirect competitors would be those restaurants offering a substitute for our product. Apart from offering pizzas and barbeques, the indirect competitors also provide substitute products such as soft and energy drinks (Bradford, n.p). This is in relation to the use of similar marketing mix that targets the same customer bases. As a result, it is essential to adopt a strategic option that attempts to counter the emerging competition. For instance, in order for our company to attract more clients and beat competition, it is vital to offer healthier foods that do not contain many calories. The market opportunity exposed in the dining industry is that the direct competitors cannot provide healthy foods at cheaper prices and so it is our intention to improve on this service by supplying clean and nutritious foodstuffs at reasonable
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Collective Bargaining and Pay Inequity in the Public Sector Essay
Collective Bargaining and Pay Inequity in the Public Sector - Essay Example In the United States at the moment majority of the states have passed legislations that permit workers to organise themselves and bargain collectively. This is because collective bargaining is a very important way through which employees can push for their rights considering the historical discrimination that has been witnessed in America’s public sector. The laws vary from state to state, for instance, only 12 states of all who have legalized collective recognise strikes are being legal. Those states not allowing strikes have outlined various processes for resolving issues in the workforce such as mediation and fact-finding. A good number of states use interest arbitration where neutral arbitrators listen to grievances raised, evaluate facts, and follow statutory criteria to come up with decisions as to the terms of collective bargaining agreements. Nonetheless, collective bargaining through unionisation has become a very popular practice in America and the world over. Unions represent members in many different ways which include and not limited to lobbying for favourable labor laws such as protection of employees from arbitrary discharge, educating and training members on their rights and most importantly negotiating compensation directly with employers on behalf of the membership. Collective bargaining agreements also address issues of discrimination in the work place based on gender, race and even class hence attempt to force employers apply the same standards to every individual. AFSCME for instance, which is mostly concerned with women has for the past few decades managed to lobby against pay inequity that is based on gender. One negative concern about trade unionism and collective bargaining agreements has been that they tend to indirectly further the inequality gap. In particularly comes about when covered employees are
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Internship Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Internship Final paper - Essay Example 13). Firstly, It is imperative to elucidate the fact that an internship gives an individual the chance to build his or her skills. There is a lot of competition in the job market in the contemporary world. Employers are only recruiting the best candidates and hence an internship helps an individual advance his or her skills in preparation for future job interviews and vocations. Some of the skills advanced through an internship include communication skills, ability to work in teams, and time management (WetFeet 13). My duties and responsibilities during my internship included organizing patients application alphabetically, I filled out a sheet of the important patients details particularly name, cell number, date of birth, and email address. Subsequently, my duties included inserting all the important patients details in the system, ensured patient confirmed their appointments, and I also worked at the reception, insurance department, and financial department. Working at the reception involved a lot of communication with the clients and this gave me an opportunity to hone my communication skills. Organizational skills are also important in any vocation. Employees are required to be organized in their work and I was able to sharpen my organizational skills through organizing patients applications alphabetically and filling their important information in the system. Secondly, as mentioned earlier, an internship is an opportunity for an individual to have a taste of the industry in general. In other words, it presents individuals with the opportunity to expose themselves to the day to day running of an organization or institution. It is very easy today to conduct research regarding a particular job or organization through the internet and have an understanding of what the job entails. However, this is incomparable with being a part of a team that aims to achieve specific objectives (WetFeet
Friday, August 23, 2019
To what extent should individusl liberties be compromised in the name Essay
To what extent should individusl liberties be compromised in the name of national security - Essay Example I will be presenting arguments in favor of individual liberties compromised in the name of national security and provide a counter argument, which I espouse. In this regard, I maintain that individual liberties should be minimally compromised, if possible not compromise at all, even in the name of national security due to the fundamental principles which serves as the country – freedom, equality and democracy. And because of the fact that United States is a country of immigrants. Generally, liberty presupposes the idea that a human person is a rational agent, capable of making decisions and has the freedom to act upon the decision that he/she has arrived. This is necessary in order for the human person to flourish and realize his/her potentialities. This presupposition is deemed inherent in all human beings as human beings. However, in reality, not everybody can do anything that he/she wants because it may cause harm to others. As such, people have decided to enter into an agreement creating the state so that they can live peacefully, continue living together and pursue the good life. In this sense, it can be impugned that the state is created by the people, for the people and through the people. In return, the state provides protection to life, liberty and properties of the people. However, 9/11 has created the condition wherein the state has to impinge on individual liberties in order to protect the lives and properties of the greater majority since after 9/11 â€Å"the home front has become the battlefront†(Wolfowitz 2002 as cited in Krikorian 461). In this sense, there are those who advocate the idea that the state in the name of national security should be given more room to infringe on individual liberties and that individual liberties should be curtailed to the extent that the protection and security of the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Ben Franklin Essay Example for Free
Ben Franklin Essay As early as the founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I dont have enough time†¦ and it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available to juggle the daunting task of daily routines and prevent unwanted consequences. The first area the phrase’s unwanted results prevail is in children. While frantically circling the kitchen, trying to prepare supper, a neighbor of mine completely astounded me. Janes son, Mathew, came into the kitchen through the old saloon style double doors, and asked his mom if he could walk uptown with his friends. Without batting an eye Jane answered the young boy, saying Go ahead son. I dont have enough time to worry about you right now,†as she carried on with the twirling of a whisk in a pot of stew. It was only a couple hours before I peered out the window to see Mathew coming home in the back of a police cruiser. I don’t have time†¦ opened the doors for the young, misguided youth to go astray. As a parent, I also find that I struggle with difficulties of my childrens academics when I dont have enough time for them. My oldest daughter, Krista, has made excellent grades throughout her entire academic career. Recently, she has asked if I can help her research paper and answer some questions she may have. I dont have enough time,†was my immediate response. Around three days went by and I found myself looking online through her grades. I noticed that on the research paper she turned in, she received a below standard grade. â€Å"I don’t have enough time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ left my daughter without important information she needed from me to complete her assignment. Another area the deceptive words, â€Å"I don’t have enough time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ has shown its unappealing effects are while interviewing for a new job. In 2010, my friend Jesse and I departed from the militar y. Throughout life Jesse continued to apply the values of neatness and time management he acquired from his military training to his life, while I chose to be stubborn and do the opposite. During an interview for a sales representative position at Bob Pforte Dodge, I noticed that Jesse had also applied for the position. While speaking to him, I noticed that he had dressed in his deep blue suit, red tie, and his hair had been neatly combed to the left. His presence demanded attention, with a look that showed his desire for the position. I on the other hand, had worn mildly tattered blue jeans, a pullover shirt, and my hair had been quickly brushed straight down. I don’t have enough time†¦ was the excuse I thought of at that moment. When Jesse came out of the interview room, he spun towards me and gave a smile with the proverbial, â€Å"Nailed it,†thumbs up. After entering the office I discovered what the excitement was about. Jonathan, an interviewer at Bob Pforte Dod ge, sat behind an old mahogany desk with his peppered hair slicked back, still euphorically commenting on how, That was a business man! As he continued to describe Jesse’s charismatic appearance and ‘top-notch’ charm, things he remembered to make time for, I dont have enough time, continued to rattle through my brain. Today, Jesse is the top sales representative at Bob Pforte Dodge, while I now wake up thirty minutes earlier and take time to assure that my appearance shows my positive characteristics. Finally, I dont have enough time†¦ ultimately affects the physical or mental attributes of humans. When time is not made to unwind and do something enjoyable, the outcome on our physical and/or mental well being could prove devastating. My grandfather worked hard his entire life. He never was able to find time for his family, friends, or even take a few minutes to enjoy life. Grandpa’s children would continuously ask their father to watch a movie, or play ball with them, during which he would reply sharply with â€Å"I don’t have enough time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He retired at the age of fifty-five, only to find that time found him. Sitting alone at home, all the people who once begged for his attention now find themselves with the same excuse. I dont have time right now, Dad, they would respond as they managed to juggle their own families, jobs, and children. He passed away at the very early age of fifty-seven. I dont have enough time, stole the valuable time his family needed with him and the unrelenting need the body has for ‘time’ to relax and heal. Thus proving the effects of using the old adage is not only devastating to the mental development of families, but also could have fatal effects on physical health as well. Our daily routines, should be closely examined when we find ourselves saying I dont have enough time. The consequences could be as small as losing the promotion or as large as hurting the people who cherish the valuable time they crave. I dont have time†¦ is a statement that, if possible should be avoided. The effects could prove to be less than anticipated. Making time for the things that are important is a valuable skill in life. â€Å"I don’t have time†¦,†as Mr. Franklin implied, is an excuse to spend more time doing things that are seldom good for anything.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Kickapoo Indians Essay Example for Free
The Kickapoo Indians Essay The growth of today’s youth in an endangered culture. I. Topic The Kickapoo Indians are a type of Native American people that have tribes across the United States. Stationed in Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma, the Kickapoo Indians have a culture that has not been looked over and talked about much in our world and lifetime. While they are part of the overall population of our country, we know little about them, and the influence they have on their children and the youth around them in the community. I want to study the youth culture and see how the Kickapoo Indians affect the other cultures around them. II. Literature Review I have done many searches on many sites to look for any research and studies on this tribe and the culture of these people. The states in which they live have the most information about them. The state with the most information is Texas, and there is more information on the Mexican Kickapoo Indians than the other three combined. III. Methodology To study the life and effect of the Kickapoo Indians, the plan is to join into their tribe under the clarification that it will be to show the world more about their culture. We would need to gain funding to help with living costs until the researchers are able to find suitable replacements in the area. We plan to ask permissions for this fieldwork to study the tribe currently in the lower portion of Texas. (see map) The plan is to win trust among the people, and slowly ask them to introduce us to their ceremonies, and beliefs and culture over time. We plan to gain at least three informants. We would pick an informant from each age group to better understand the evolution of the tribe through these past years. (Chapter 5 of Book). We would also like to accomplish a mapping process to understand how the distribution of the land works for the tribe as a whole. (Chapter 5) The tribe, being in lower Texas, will easily be reached by plane. No passports or documents needed for out of country fieldwork will be needed for this field research. The foreseeable problems would be being able to ain access to the tribe grounds, as well as integrate into their community without repercussions. We expect to be able to approach the tribe after a year to two years of preparations prior to the move. After we arrive we figure it will be at a max, an amount of 4 years to be able to gather the information we can from the tribe. We believe it will take a minimum of 2 years in order to gain the trust fully of the tribe. Then another two years to gain th e information from the three informants we hope to gain. IV. Ethical Considerations We are unsure of what type of ethical problems we will be facing when it comes to the Texas tribe of the Kickapoo Indians. Seeing as how these Indians are part of the American culture as well, it would be safe to bet that it would be one of the safer tribes in the world to visit. We can ensure confidentiality using methods placed by federal systems, and can refrain from using informants that fear for their safety among the tribe if they wish, so that they are protected. We can also alert the reservation law enforcement to make sure we are backed up in the protection of the people. We will do anything we can to ensure that any risk to being a participant in our fieldwork is minimal. (Activity 1 Information page) V. Conclusion In conclusion, we would like to study the Texas tribe of Kickapoo Indians to learn about how their youth continue to thrive in the traditions of their elders as they grow in the ever changing world on the United States. With the Kickapoo youth being a part of normal American society we get to see the influence of the traditions of their culture in them, as they influence others around them.
MOS Burger Franchise Expansion Strategy
MOS Burger Franchise Expansion Strategy 1.0 INTRODUCTION MOS Burger is a famous fast-food service in Japan that founded in 1971 by Mr. Satoshi Sakurada. The name of MOS comes from the words Mountain, Ocean, and Sun and each of this word have its own meaning. Mountain stands for dignified and noble, Ocean stands for wide and vast while Sun represents vibrant and life-giving (MOS Food Singapore, 2012). It is now the second largest fast-food service in Japan after McDonald and MOS outlets had successfully expanded into overseas markets such as Taiwan, Singapore, China, and so on. The company differentiate itself from competitors by apply cook to order concept (MOS Burger Website, 2012). The foods will be cooked only after the customers order to ensure the freshness of the foods. MOSs burgers used rice bun and many other Japanese sauces like teriyaki sauce that cover up on the burgers to shows its uniqueness which emphasized on providing a healthy, delicious and clean food. Moreover, the company also served variety of unique and original MOS Burger as well as using transnational strategies when going global because they keep standardized the recipe and the business system while localized some of the product to fit with local taste and preference. The corporate motto To make people happy through food was an important driver for the company to produce fresh, delicious, and quality burgers to their customers (MOS Burger Website, 2012). The passionate commitment of the company make it successful possible and to ensure a continuous survival in this competitive market. MOS Burger has successfully expanded its business globally and currently there are 28 outlets in Singapore, 223outlets in Taiwan, 16 in Hong Kong, 7 in Thailand, 2 in Indonesia, 18 in China, 2 in Korea and 5 in Australia (MOS Burger Website, 2012). The 1412 outlets in Japan have almost reached the limit for the company to expand, therefore the company hope to accelerate its expansion with a vision from MOS of Japan to MOS of Asia and finally MOS of the World. The company planned to expand their business and choose to enter those markets that they have not enter yet such as Malaysia, Canada, Western countries and so on in the future (MOS Food Singapore, 2012). The entry mode used by MOS Burger to enter the oversea market normally lies on joint venture and franchise system. The company form joint venture with the local company as expansion strategy into overseas market (MOS Burger Website, 2012). MOS Burger headquarter will assigned a personnel to discuss about the development and joint effort with the local company to ensure that they can enter into the new market successfully which is totally differences in terms of the ways of doing business, culture issues and other issues. MOS Burger also use franchise as one of the entry mode strategies but it is not easy to obtain a franchise license from MOS Burger because it needs to fulfill the requirements set by the company. The potential franchisee need to know well about the companys philosophy that created by Mr. Sakurada because he wish to partner with those who cares on nature; and also a group of people who can contribute to the creation of happiness both for people and society (MOS Burger Website, 2012). However, the company will only seek for the countries or regional franchisees. As conclusion, the company is preferred to use a master franchise system to enter the new markets instead of a normal franchise system. 2.0 CURRENT EXPANSION STRATEGY MOS Burger starts to expand their business since year 2001 and the first overseas outlet is established at Taiwan. MOS burger has work attentively to expand their business and successfully opened 265 stores across seven regions in year 2011. (MOS report, 2011). 2.1 Joint Venture Joint venture is an entry mode by establishing a firm that is jointly owned by two or more otherwise independent firms (Charles and William, 2011). MOS Burger decided to use joint venture as one of the entry modes to enter other regions because it able to control over the business and at the same time it also can deeply understand that particular regions culture and lifestyle. In expansion into each region, MOS Burger only will establish a joint venture agreement with those companies that stressing on good human relationship even it is able to pursue profit (MOS Burger Website, 2012). MOS Burger will carefully in evaluate and select their joint venture companies in order to ensure their business performance to achieve satisfaction result. Those companies that qualified to pursue a joint venture agreement with MOS Burger must going through few processes start from submission of proposal, presentation, interview and they must able to cooperate in the development of MOS Burger in that particular region (MOS Burger Website, 2012). This strategy have been used very successfully in Taiwan by established a joint venture with TECO Group in year 1990. After 22 years, there are 223 stores was opened in Taiwan (MOS Burger Website, 2012). The successful expansion of MOS burger in Taiwan is because they expert in training their employees who able to understand the basic philosophy of MOS burger which is safe and secure. (Kouhei, Hideaki, Tsukasa, Shigeharu, 2010) In Indonesia, MOS Burger established a joint venture, Pt Mog Indonesia in year 2008 and they start the first outlet in Plaza Sendayan located at South Jakarta (Plaza Indonesia Shopping Centre, 2009). Moreover, MOS FOOD SERVICES Inc. has joint venture with Media Will Holding Co. Ltd, a Korean company that involved in broad spectrum of activities including printing, distribution and restaurant management to open a new South-Korea outlet in March 2012 (MOS Report, 2011). Joint venture is important for MOS Burger and successfully using by MOS to expand their business to overseas regions including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and others. MOS burger decided using joint venture because they found that the natural barrier in developing the business opportunities overseas. Those natural barriers mainly refer to each regions language and culture differs from each other (MOS report, 2011). The successful of this strategy can be seen in Taiwan which consist the highest number of outlets among the foreign markets. It was so success because the joint venture company TECO group fully understand their own region and succeed in training the employees who can speak Chinese well and at the same time they able to understand the basic philosophy that developed by MOS burger. (Kouhei, Hideaki, Tsukasa, Shigeharu, 2010) However, joint venture still has its own limitations which are MOS burger unable fully control over their own business and conflict may arise when there is different point of views. (Charles and William, 2011) 2.2 Franchising Other than joint venture, franchising is another entry strategy that used by MOS Burger as it falls under fast food industry. According to Charles and William (2011), franchising considered as a specialized form of licensing in which franchiser sell the intangible property to the franchisee and insists on rules to do the business. MOS burger expands their business and increase the number of outlet out of their home country by seeking large franchisees instead of seeking the small scale or individual capacity (MOS Burger Website, 2012). Within every single region, those individual franchisees will be managed by the joint venture company together with MOS Burger to make sure all franchisees perform according to the established business practice and ensure the quality control in term of food as well as their customer service. Similar to joint venture, the franchise agreement will be signed after gone through several processes which are propose, present, interview, environment analysis and then only come with the agreement. MOS burger will only engage in partnership with those franchisees that sympathy to their idea included do work that will be appreciated by customers, getting personal satisfaction when customer satisfy with them and must have the full heart motivation to operate the franchise business. (MOS Burger Website, 2012) Today, MOS burger has become the second largest franchise in Japan after McDonald. (Phillip, 2012). This franchise system has been applied in different Asia region including Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand and others. MOS Burger use franchise system able to generate fixed income by collecting royal fees from the franchisees. However, increasing number of franchise granted by MOS Burger will result in a stronger competition among all the MOS Burgers franchise business within a particular region. In Taiwan, MOS Burger consist of 223 outlets and each outlet is compete together in order to achieve the highest profit for each other. Strong competition between the franchisees will decrease the overall profit that can generate by MOS Burger and this becomes the limitation of this strategy. There are many success franchises from MOS Burger in different regions; however there is a failure case that found in Hawaii, United State. In the late of 1980s, MOS Burger was enter to Hawaii but the business is fail due to the high rents, inventory problem and inconsistent food quality (Andrew and Kulwant, 2005). 2.3 Wholly Owned Outlet In planning to expand their business out from then Asia, there is a wholly owned outlet which opens in Australia in April 2011. Michelle (2012) reported that Shinji Yamaguchi who is the head of international operation of MOS burger said they enter Australia because it closes to Asia and there are a lot of Asian people which have similar culture (Michelle, 2012). Besides, Australia outlet also is a test run of their business practice for MOS burger before their plan of entering Western countries. Yamaguchi said MOS burger now is still unclear to use franchising strategy or wholly own business by them in the following year to expand the business. 3.0 FUTURE EXPANSION STRATEGY Success only belongs to those who are well in prepared. An organization or company want to achieve a continuous successful, a well planning future strategies is a crucial. In order to achieve the goal from MOS of Japan to MOS of the World, MOS Burger has been involved in expansion of the business in Asia and even plan to enter Europe market in the future. Once the MOS Burger decides to enter a foreign market, it must implement some of the entry mode strategies which are suitable for future expansion. As a fast food company, it is popular for using franchising or joint venture as a strategy for international expansion. However, increases in competition during international expansion, MOS Burger also need to consider some other strategies for future expansion and stand out from competitors. 3.1 Export Canada MOS Burger is recommended invest into new product line besides from joint venture and franchising. MOS Burger should use this well established brand name to come out some snack food and using exporting strategies in future as well. This practice found in success case of Old Town White Coffee which expand their business by come out own brand of package instant coffee besides from set up the food stores. MOS Food services, Inc has experience in collaboration with other companies and come out product such as MOS Baked Choco Caramel Corn and flight meals such as Air MOS Burger (MOS report, 2011). Moreover, it also collaborates with Kit Kat in Japan and come out rich white chocolate within limited time period. These indicate there is a possibility of MOS Burger to implement this strategy. MOS Burger is suggested export snack food such as Japanese Dorayaki, dessert like Hokkaido milk ice, pudding and sells their uncooked Hokkaido Croquette at the hypermarket in foreign countries. As mention above, MOS Burger is planning expand to Canada, so exporting strategy may adopted to expand their business as it is a low risk strategy. Besides, exporting strategies provide opportunities for MOS Burger to learn and understand more about the overseas markets in term of culture, politic, economic, preference before invest in bricks and mortar store (FAO Corporate Document Repository, 1997). Canada will be the first Europe country suggested for MOS Burger to adopt export strategy for snack foods because according to National Eating Trends (NET), snacking is the fastest growing circumstance in Canada and snacking consists of more than 24% of all meal eaten in 2009 compared to 2000 with 22 % (Demontis, 2010). Using export strategy can be a stage to adopt franchise in Canada for MOS Burger. Export snack foods able to create Canadas consumers awareness, interest and familiarity toward this brand. Moreover, MOS Burger also can increase their understanding toward Canadian consumer behavior and preference. When MOS Burger achieve favorable result in Canada by using export, they can be easier to planning the adoption of master franchise system in Canada in the following year (MOS Food Singapore, 2012). Canada is a viable market due to growing in Canadian prefers Asian fast food with a growth rate of 9% (Ryomoto, 2009).Moreover, Ryomoto (2009) said that, changing in the consumer trend toward convenient, safety and quality foods also increase the feasibility for MOS Burger fast food franchise in Canada. Canada also can become platform for MOS Burger to expand into other western countries. 3.2 Partnership Malaysia Simultaneously, another entry strategy that recommended for MOS Burger is partnership. Partnership is one of the entry modes which two or more parties contribute their resources such as money, property, talent, knowledge and etc to share in the profit and losses of the business (Gerald Kathleen, 2005). Partnership can bring several benefits. First and foremost is capital acquisition. The fund is rising easily if there have several partners because they can easily contribute more funds rather than a single entity. Second is share responsibility. Different partners will have different abilities and skills. Rather than assign the task equally, partnership allow all the parties responsible the task they are excel in. Malaysia is the suggested country that to adopt this entry strategy. In order to avoid the fierce competition in fast food industry throughout Malaysia, MOS Burger will be suggested to start and growth-up their business at the location along with the South-North Expressway, Malaysia. These locations suggested as it can mainly target the travelers who use the expressway and lack of fast food outlets along the highway. MOS Burger can partner with the petrol station such as Petronas, Shell or etc. This proposed entry mode is derived from other fast food firm such as Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. The Pizza Hut and Taco Bell have created a strong partnership and this is a successful cooperation (Co-branding examples, 2012). According to Onakayo (2003) the managing director of Mobil Oil, Mobil petrol station has a fast food court called On The Run and it provide family or friends to enjoy in a comfort and quality place. Besides, Dr. Paa (2003) said that partnership of fast food with petrol station provide benefits to customers, share holders as well as the overall economy of a cities or places. Besides, the practice of this strategy can benefits those long journey travelers who use the South-North Expressway especially those from Singapore to North areas need to pump in the petrol and take a rest during their journey or half way. Dr Paa (2003) also said that this practice can commend as a tourism attraction because it able to serve the travelers need who moving around and between cities. Once this partnership has been implementing, after the traveler pump in the petrol they can take a rest while will enjoy their meal just beside the petrol station only. This will open-up a new opportunity for the MOS Burger while also will attract the traveler for particular petrol station to fill up fuel and rest. This will create a win-win situation. 3.3 Backward Integration New Zealand Last but not least, MOS Burger can adopt backward integration which is taking the role of their suppliers. Backward integration allow MOS Burger to gain some benefits such as to ensure the source of quality of the raw material at a competitive prices, have full control to the cost and able to supply the expanding market either locally and abroad (Poultry Integration, 2012). This practice has been used by KFC Holding (KFCH) as they have invested into different activities that assist their core business (Poultry Integration, 2012). To implement backward integration, MOS Burgers is recommended to to own a breeder farm and hatchery, feed mills, animal farm, broiler farming or further processing plants through acquisition. Acquisition refers to acquiring others businesses through occupying certain amount of share or assets (Tan, 2009). Acquisition strategy able to provide the benefits of speed, decrease in risks, avoids strong competition, overcome entry barrier and others (Business manag ement strategy, 2010). Acquisition is worth to be practice as it allows the company to access a wider customer base and increase their market share. The most appropriate country for MOS Burger to adopt backward integration. Dairy Group (2012) said that New Zealand is the country which holds 35% of dairy products in the world market. The dairy industry in New Zealand is famous and distinctive in term of its high quality and flavorful products. Besides, according to the statistic New Zealand (2011), milk powder, butter and cheese are the top one as well as meat and edible offal as the top two commodities that exported by New Zealand. In order to hold the strong position in the world market, New Zealand is very straight in protecting their grass-fed heard through bio-security policies and using bio-nutrients to feed the cow (Investment now, 2012). As conclusion, the high effort of New Zealand to ensure the quality of their dairy products provide a great opportunity to MOS Burger to implement the backward integration as they can fully control the quality of the dairy products that may used as one or more raw materials for MOS Burger in the fast food industry. Conclusion In conclusion, the study has identified the entry modes and also the expansion strategies that adopted by MOS Burger to enter foreign markets. There are also some future expansion strategies proposed for the company which are applicable and implementable as some of the real cases discussed have shown a good example. The entry modes that currently used by the company for expansions are mainly fall on franchise and joint venture. The company will choose a suitable franchisees or partners that know well and align to the MOS Burgers philosophy to cooperate. This is to make sure that the risks of enter into a different market for doing business can be reduce and to maintain a substantial control over the quality of the food. Moreover, choosing the right partners is to ensure that the commitment of the company can be transmit to those who like to eat MOSs burger. Besides that, MOS Burger can expand their business using other entry modes as well in the future to compete with their rivals in foreign markets. Exporting is another alternative for MOS as it is the easiest way for the company to enter the new markets and reach the customers easily. The company is suggest to export their product in term of snack form by using the well established brand name MOS Burger to enter the Canadian market which has a high consumption of snack food. Meanwhile, the partnership entry mode can be adopted as well in Malaysia by cooperating with local well known company for example Petronas. MOS can partner with the petrol station distributor to build their outlets beside or near the petrol station along the South- North Highway in Malaysia to gain benefit while the travelers take their rest or refill petrol at the petrol station on the highway. Next, the company can also use the backward integration strategy to gain some advantages on the cost of material and als o to strengthen the supply chain system of the company which need not depends much on the main suppliers anymore. This can be done probably in New Zealand by acquiring a piece of land and breed their own poultry that needed for making the burgers. Finally, MOS Burger is a company that has a potential to expand and grow globally. Thus, it need to be managed by a talented and committed management team and also maintain a good cooperation with his partners and franchisees.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Rates of Reaction Experiment :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
Rates of Reaction Experiment INTRODUCTION This experiment is called ‘rates of reaction’, I will be partaking in this experiment to find out what factors effect the ‘rate of reaction’ between magnesium (strips) and hydrochloric acid. Each time I repeat the experiment, I will be adding 0.5 moles of hydrochloric acid and recording the volume of gas given out during the testing and record the time it takes to give the reaction needed. A reaction is taken place within the experiment because there is a collision of particles in each element. When these two elements collide with each other they form a chemical reaction ( a change which is irreversible) we know this because a gas is given of too show a change, this is why we record the amount of gas given off to show when the reactions takes place and how big of a change it has made. WORD EQUATION: Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid à à Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen Acid CHEMICAL EQUATION Mg + 2HCl H2 + MgCl2 Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy, which the particles must have in order to react. There are five factors, which can make a difference to the rate of a reaction. *1* The surface of the element *2* Catalyst, the amount of the substance *3* The concentration of the element *4* Temperature, due the heat of the atmosphere *5* Pressure pronounced to the substance When a reaction takes place, the substances used are called reactants and the substances produced are called products. Because the amount of products being produced are increasing the number of reactants are or should be decreasing. To calculate if and how well products are increasing and reactants are decreasing we use a number of ways, we firstly find out how much of the reactant(s) is being used up and how much product(s) we are gaining from this in a set time. FORMULARS TO SOLVE THIS: *** How much reactant is being used up*** Amount of reactant being used up Reaction rate = Time taken ***How much product’s being produced in a set time*** Amount of product formed Reaction rate = Time taken A reaction can only take place when a successful collision is occurred, so for a reaction to take place two different elements have to concur with each other, this depends on the amount of atoms and energy in the two elements, this is called a successful collision. A chemical reaction can only take place when two different elements collide with each other. There are other methods to measure the rate (speed) of reaction. Precipitation: observe a marker through the solution and predict how long it takes to vanish. A change in mass: a mass balance can only be carried out during the
Monday, August 19, 2019
Switzerland Essay -- Geography Politics Swiss Essays
Switzerland Switzerland is best described by conveying an understanding of its geography, political, economic, cultural and social environments. The geography of the country has had a significant impact on its way of life. Switzerland is bordered by Germany in the north, Austria and the Principality of Liechtenstein in the east, Italy in the south and France in the west. This represents many significant European cultures converging on Switzerland – the German speaking region, the French and the Italian. Two thirds of the Swiss population lives in the Plateau, between Lake Geneva and Lake Constance, in 30 percent of the country’s surface area. There are 450 people to every 1 km2 (1,166 per square mile). This makes the country one of the most densely populated regions of Europe and a promising prospect for marketing a product. The country that we know today took its final shape only in 1848. Before that time, we cannot really speak of "Swiss history," but rather the history of its v arious parts, which only gradually came together. Political Environment Switzerland is a nation shaped by the resolve of its citizens: it is not an ethnic, linguistic or religious entity. Since 1848, it has been a federal state - one of 23 in the world and the second oldest after the United States of America. Like the U.S., Switzerland values the idea of federalism and sovereignty, which has ensured its historical survival. The main political parties in Switzerland are the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), Social-democratic Party (SP), Radical Democratic Party (FDP), Christian Democratic Party (CVP) and the Green Party. The Federal Constitution is the legal foundation of the Confederation. It contains the most important rules for the smooth functioning of the state. It guarantees the basic rights of the people and the participation of the public. It distributes the tasks between the Confederation and the cantons and defines the responsibilities of the authorities. Switzerland has a federal structure with three different political levels: †¢Ã‚     the Federation †¢Ã‚     the cantons †¢Ã‚     the local authorities The Federation is the Swiss designation of the State (the term Confederation is also frequently used). The Federation has authority in all areas in which it is empowered by the Federal Constitution - for example, foreign and security policy, customs and monetary p... ...tzerland is positioned to expand its role in the global market and will continue to improve with the expansion of foreign investment and trade. It is a strong and stable market, for US companies, looking Central and Eastern European expansion. Works Cited Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2003.  © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. Switzerland, Economy - 2004 Focus on Switzerland – 2004 Switzerland, Economy – 2004 CIA, The World Factbook, 2003 Li, Jian; What Connecticut can Learn from Switzerland’s Oscillating Economy, Fall 2003 Switzerland, Economy – 2004 Switzerland and the EU – 2004 http://religiousfreedom
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Evaluation of Soap :: Papers
Evaluation of Soap For this soap assignment I was supposed to make my own soap. I was supposed to target it at different type of people. I was also supposed to make it as if it would be aired on TV. From this assignment I have understood that target audience is when you target an audience of any age that you choose. You would need to choose to target a specific age group or a group of people. I also think that the target audience is the most vital part of planning as you wouldn't have a script to write if you didn't have a target audience. I also think that you need to right the script for a specific audience. For my soap I have targeted people that are aged thirteen and above, but mainly teenagers and young adults would be watching. So I tried to make the audience broad so that I would be targeting everyone. I have targeted mainly teens and young adults as they would appeal to the main storylines. But there are other storylines for elder people. My soaps image would be very street. There would be a night club and would have a lot of thugs and litter on the streets. There would also be a chip shop and local newsagents. The houses will all be semi-detached and the houses will be very close together. The decisions which I made when deciding on the settings was that I lived in Birminghamand there was a place called the Broadway. I decided on the characters to be very formal and most of them had to have brummie accents. I also decided that there should be Asians, black and whites as Birminghamis a multicultural society. For the storylines I asked people what things they thought would appeal to them and how they would. I combined the people's ideas and my ideas and came up with the storylines. When designing the front cover of my magazine I decided that it had to have a big impact on the readers.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Moral Ambiguity in Heart of Darkness Essay
In _Heart of Darkness_, by Joseph Conrad, the character Marlow, through his actions and experiences, shows himself to be morally ambiguous in that he goes on the European’s malevolent expedition to Africa yet he seems to despise the events he sees there and in that he performs both noble and ignoble deeds. These experiences and actions drive Conrad’s theme of European influence and colonialism corrupting, in this case, Africa. Marlow is a sailor who is traveling through Africa on a steam boat and who works for a company that is attempting to gain riches for Europe. His moral ambiguity is shown by the fact that he is participating in this heinous expedition yet, at the same time, he seems to despise it. Marlow, as he sailed along the coast, saw â€Å"a man-of-war anchored off the coast†¦shelling the bush†¦There was a touch of insanity in the proceeding†¦ [which] was not dissipated by somebody on board assuring me earnestly there was a camp of natives â₠¬â€œ he called them enemies! – hidden out of sight somewhere.†(pg.18 ). Marlow’s word choice depicts the corrupting influence of Europe because it speaks of how he saw a man-of-war, a French ship, attack natives who were, in his opinion, unjustly called enemies. What truly shows this to be a corrupting influence, however, is his use of the word â€Å"insanity†to describe the event; insanity here is meant to show that this event, caused by Europeans, is unnatural to Africa and disrupts its calm. Next, Marlow spoke of other Europeans who came to Africa such as the â€Å"devoted band†¦called†¦the Eldorado Exploring Expedition†¦ To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire†¦with no†¦moral purpose at the back of it†(pg. 42). The Eldorado Expedition, as Marlow saw it, was the typical devoted European band which he felt was nothing but a bunch of dirty thieves -with no regard for the greater good- who, through their actions, would desecrate Africa by ripping away its riches. Finally, Marlow, as he was walking with Kurtz’s admirer, saw â€Å"heads on stakes†¦They showed that Kurtz lacked restraint in the gratification of his various lusts.†(pg. 81). Kurtz is a European who was sent by the company to get the treasures of Africa for Europe and to colonize it, but, when Marlow sees what Kurtz does he says that Kurtz is unable to restrain his lust. This, in and of itself, may seem unimportant, but, it infers that all the Europeans going to Africa are driven by lust and the main function of lust is traditionally corruption, hence, the Europeans going to Africa will do nothing but corrupt it. In addition to utilizing Marlow’s experience, Joseph Conrad utilizes Marlow’s conflicting actions in order, not only to reinforce Marlow’s moral ambiguity, but to further depict the corrupting influence of Europe on Africa. The first thing the Conrad did was have Marlow take â€Å"the pose of a Buddha preaching in European clothes and without a lotus-flower†(pg. 8 ) Here Marlow acts like Buddha, a symbol of someone who is enlightened and good, which makes it clear that everything Marlow says is true and that his ul timate opinion, that being that Europe corrupts, is an absolute truth. Next Marlow empathetically said, â€Å"‘Nevertheless I think Mr. Kurtz is a remarkable man'†(pg. 88 ) Marlow’s action appears to contrast with the perfection given to him by his earlier Buddha pose because he is supporting and admiring Kurtz, the person who took his lust to the extreme and the person who represents the ultimate level of European corruption. Marlow, however, must be right about Kurtz’s remarkable nature in some way because he is portrayed as Buddha though, contrary to what one might think at the beginning of the book, this portrayal does not portend moral perfection on Marlow’s part as shown later in the book. The only way in which Kurtz is remarkable is in his excessive level of lust; hence, Marlow’s statement implies that Europe is a ceaselessly corrupting influence, varying only in the degree of corruption from person to person. Finally, Marlow, when observing Kurtz’s wife, sees, â€Å"the faith that [is] in herâ₠¬ ¦that great saving illusion [shining] with an unearthly glow in the†¦triumphant darkness†(pg 107). Marlow’s observation shows that in a world of corruption and darkness, the European world, Kurtz’s wife deludes herself by creating a world of light and good in her own mind, this fact is necessary in order to understand the importance of the exchange following this observation. The exchange between Marlow and Kurtz’s wife begins with Marlow unwisely saying, â€Å"I heard his very last words†(pg. 109) leading to Kurtz’s wife asking him to â€Å"‘Repeat them’†¦in a heart broken tone'†(pg. 109) and, although Kurtz’s true last words were â€Å"‘The horror! the horror!'†(pg. 109) Marlow told her that, â€Å"‘The last word he pronounced was – your name'†(pg. 109). The importance of this conversation is that it shows the reality of Kurtz’s vision, that being â€Å"the horror†, through Marlow’s noble lie. It was already shown that Kurtz’s wife lived in an illusionary world, this, combined with Marlow lying to her when she asked for Kurtz’s last words, shows that what Kurtz saw of Europe, a horror, was the truth. Conveniently, Marlow’s act of not shattering Kurtz’s wife’s illusion contrasts with his support of Kurtz, which caused him to seem vile, thus making it impossible to legitimately argue that Marlow is wholly good or bad, only that he is right. Marlow, through his experiences and actions, is depicted as a moral ambiguity and this ambiguity is the tool with which Joseph Conrad develops his theme of European corruption on other peoples and places. Marlow participates in the heinous European expedition yet his opinion of the events he sees are negative thus demonstrating the corrupting influence of Europe, and his actions, which present him as both enlightened and morally ambiguous, also emphasizes the corrupting influence of Europe through the expression of his opinion. Ironically, his ambiguity is symbolic of the ambiguity of the Europeans themselves in that go to other places, such as Africa, with intentions akin to enlightening the people they encounter but, despite the fact that they may succeed in enlightening those people, they corrupt them as well.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Balance Scorecard method used in Cattaraugus Country ReHabilitation Center
Cattaraugus County ReHabilitation Center had done an effective job of implementing a balance scorecard approach in a fashion that reflects their organizational mission and vision MAIN BODY: Although the BSC method has been used in the for-profit organizations for many years I believe that ReHabilitation Center has made it work for their organization.There was a lot of push back from the people who work at the center when it was first introduced, they believed it was just another fly-by-night approach that would just fail but as the new Director of Strategic Management slow got the upper management to take a closer look and to start helping adapt the BSC method to their organization. Since the BSC wasn’t designed for the not-for-profit ReHabilitation Center had to do a bit of work to get everything working right and after a while they were able to get the BSC to work for their organization.There are four score card quadrants that ReHabilitation Center uses they are; Perspective , Strategy, Operations, Core Indicators/Measures. They then broke that down to five different parts of the organization under Perspective, there is; consumers, financial, operational, learning, and one that isn’t defined but seems to be consumer relations and customer service. ReHabilitation Center has seen great benefits from adapting the BSC to the center but the greatest benefit maybe that the personnel within the center has noticed how much more encompassing process that strategic planning is and not merely looking at a long-term plan.They now understand that is it necessary to align each are of the Center with the overall strategic objectives. Another benefit is that the Center has been able to develop metrics and link them to the strategic plan. The Center has begun to focus on the importance of interrelationships among the perspectives in the BSC and has enabled worker in the Center to see things they had not thought about in the past and relate them to the BSC.Every y ear they update the BSC they have set into place to and make sure they are still following along with it and making any necessary changes to either the scorecard or to the organization. With everyone being involved within the organization of the strategic planning they have the ability to make sure that the strategic plan is being followed or seeing what changes need to be made on a consistent bases.CONCLUSION:â€Å"The conceptual framework of the Balanced Scorecard has been implemented and utilized effectively for years in a large number of for-profit organizations. More recently, the model has been effectively utilized in not-for-profit organizations as well. In this paper the authors have described how the Balanced Scorecard approach has been implemented in a ReHabilitation Center. In implementing the Balanced Scorecard approach, the ReHabilitation Center has placed equal emphasis on the consumer perspective and the financial perspective.This equal focus is based upon the necess ity of the Center to carry out its primary mission for its consumers (individuals with developmental disabilities) as well as the necessity to maintain financial stability within the Center. The emphasis on both of these perspectives has become a necessity in order for the Center to efficiently and effectively serve its customers. While the use of the Balanced Scorecard in the long range planning process for the Center is relatively new, the process has been accepted by the management of the organization.The challenge ahead for the Center is to continue to develop outcome measures for the individual departments within the Center and tie these outcome measures to the strategic objectives of the Center. It is recognized this is an extremely difficult process as real outcomes are not easily measurable. The formulation of outcome measures is a continuous development process. It is felt this process will definitely enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the ReHabilitation Center in the long run (Martello, 2008). â€
Conceptualization Treatment Plan Paper Essay
Abstract This paper is designed to focus on identifying conceptualization and treatment for clients regarding Individual Psychology. It begins with the client’s case study and history because it will give a stronger understanding of how the Individual Psychology theory is effective when working with this client. Understanding the dynamics of what the client has and is currently experiencing will allow the counselor the opportunity to point out the issues and address them individually. Details of the client’s concerns will be addressed, along with different techniques on dealing with the client, and some spiritual guidance to keep their spirits lifted during this process. The writer will connect the client’s flawed decisions with the new taught knowledge gained in counseling, in hopes of creating a stronger marriage and better person. The writer ends the paper by describing why the Individual Psychology Therapy was selected, how this therapy is used to treat the client, an d will describe any challenging aspects that may arise while working with the client. Keywords: Individual, psychology, therapy, theory, technique Client’s Presenting Concern Tina and John have been married for 12 years. Tina and John were both raised from a single mother. Tina never received any male affection as a child and she relied on sex and the attention men gave her. She sought out affection of any kind, but the affection from her husband wasn’t good enough. She also holds resentment and anger for the way John has treated their oldest daughter, Emily. Tina is remaining in the marriage right now, but she is emotionally and sexually disconnected and is planning on leaving. John had six sisters and even though it was a large family, he felt alone. John’s mother put men ahead of all six of her children. His sister’s followed in his mother’s steps and connected love by men and sex. John never felt loved and searched desperately for love. Despite Tina’s multiple indiscretions John greatly wanted his marriage to last in spite of Tina’s repeated wants to leave him. Although John is not aware of Tina’s plan on leaving within the year he is very upset with her constant threat to leave and go back to her hometown. Individual Psychology Therapy Alfred Adler, one of Sigmund Freud’s students, created his own theory separating him from his teacher, and started his own theory (Stein & Edwards, 2011). Adler created the Individual Psychology, it focused on the individual as totality. Individual Psychology is defined as a cognitive, goal-oriented, social psychology concerned with an individual’s conviction, faith and awareness, along with each individual’s behavior. His focus was on the conscious and social drives. Adler believed that every person had self doubting and apprehensive times in their life, but deserved to be treated with respect and dignity (Milliren, Evans, & Newbauer, n.k.d.). Each person will have to identify their problem and work towards becoming a better person. Adler believed that each person manifested their own life course. Case Conceptualization Milliren, et. al (n.k.d.) stated that Individual Psychology had several fundamental principles, but the primary three are goal oriented goals, humans with the desire to belong and value themselves, and finally each person is inseparable and maintained wholeness through their personality. Adlerian psychology is different from any other school of psychology because it involved holism, purposiveness, and social interest. An unknown author from Adler Graduate School (2014), wrote, â€Å"thinking, feeling, emotion, and behavior can only be understood as subordinated to the individual’s style of life, or consistent pattern of dealing with life†. According to Milliren, et. Al (n.k.d.) there are three principles of Individual Psychology: the behavior is goal driven, humans had a need to belong and want to be desired, and each person is viewed as a whole with unique personalities and behaviors. When the client has started seeing a counselor they have come to the understanding of accepting there is a problem. When counseling begins the counselor must allow the client to address the concerns that has caused them to go in for counseling. Once the concerns have been presented, the counselor begins to work towards implementing the changes into their life. Some physiological functioning along with the tasks of thinking, behaving, and feelings are all incorporated in the desire to reach their personal goal. Murdock (2009) believed that humans had an instinctive nature to always strive to obtain perfection, and understanding the desperation to succeed one can understand how the human path is created. Adler viewed family constellations into two separate ways to comprehend family positioning (Murdock, 2009, 140). There is a large amount of research differentiating the two ways and there are a vast amount of factors used in comprehending the differences. The first system is ordinal; this is order or number for each child born into the family (Shulman & Mosak, n.k.d.). For example when parents have children they place them in order of their first, second, or third born child. The second system is the birth order. A child’s birth order is determined by several factors. The first factor is if the children born in different environments (mentally and financially). The second factor is the psychological situation of the birth order of the child, which means if the first born does not act/represent like the first born as a leader, or example and the second child acts more mature than the second born will take the first born’s role. The third factor is amount of years between the siblings can amplify, or reduce arguments and fights between the siblings. Finally, the birth order is an influence. Birth order is not set in stone, the interaction with the parents also influence the order. Adler believed that everyone’s life plan was created by the time they were 5 years old (Murdock, 2009, p. 118). John was the third child of the family; however, he was the only one of the family who had a job. His mother and sister’s worked at fast food restaurants, or they did telemarketing while he went into the military to get him out of the city. Although he wanted more of his life than how he was raised, John was not aware of how to express his emotions. He was taught to keep everything in because if you showed emotions as a boy, it means you are weak. So, now John is not able to express all of his feelings to Tina. He can only show anger, or he pulls away from everyone. John views himself as a good husband and father, because he is still in the home with them and in his children’s lives. He feels that he has not abandoned them, so everything should be great in their lives. Despite the fact that John is not involved in any of his children’s activities, or has any knowledge about their school progress he feels like he is a good father because he doesn’t know any different. Goals and Interventions John is not aware of any problems in the family. He views that he is a good dad because he is in the home. He feels this way because he provides a nice home, insurance, security, and the comforts of having financial stability. He is in the home and able to help with disciplining the children when needed. John refuses to go to counseling because he feels that he does what he has to do as a man. He is not supposed to show emotions. He is supposed to keep his emotions in because no one wants to hear a man complaining. Counselors that practice Adlerian therapy believe that any client is able to change. The counselors incorporated three factors that are needed in working with clients, such as: love, faith, and hope (Murdock, 2009, p.128). The love is a general term. In order for the client to want to change they must feel like the counselors cares about them. Faith is shown by a counselor having confidence and is able to support the client. Having hope means that the counselor must ensure the client that they are able to succeed in life. In order for the counselor to be able to help the client, the counselor will need to understand each client, his lifestyle, and their reasoning for their actions. There are several techniques used to help clients under the Individual Psychology therapy. One of the techniques used is interpretation. When a counselor uses interpretation they use all of the information gained and attempt to make sense of the client’s lifestyles, dreams, and circumstances. The client is then able to offer their personal thoughts on how the information is perceived. The second technique used in Individual Psychology therapy is encouragement. Encouragement is the continuation of interpretation of the client’s lifestyle, dreams, and circumstances. Encouragement is normally given prior to the client attempting to make the change. Encouragement is given as hope, or optimism to help to build the client’s confidence while they take on new tasks in their life. The third technique is acting as if. This is when clients have excuses for their behavior. When a client starts a sentence with â€Å"if only†, this is an attempt for the client to try to make sense of the issue. The counselor should ask the client how things would be different â€Å"if only†those items were real. Once the question is answered, then the counselor will be able to redirect and change the client’s view. Spiritual Application The Individual Psychology is based on the understanding the life of a person as a whole. Murdock (2009) wrote humans have an innate drive to be successful and survive. God created all humans equally, without envy. Attempting to have the clients to view themselves as equals to others will help keep the client spiritually connected and happy. This type of therapy requires the client to completely honest with themselves and others. The goal of the therapy is to assist the client in understanding the wrong lifestyle that they had been living and to correct the thought process. Conclusion This paper was composed from a case study of John and Tina, then it was enhanced with the Individual Psychology Therapy. This therapy was used because I feel that any type of therapy begins with the individual and the individual wanting to change. This type of therapy was a benefit to the client, because it focused on increasing the self. I think the most difficult aspect of this therapy was acknowledging the problem, accepting the problem, and correcting it. References Milliren, A., Evan, T., and Newbauer, J. (n.k.d.). Adlerian Theory. Carter & Evans Marriage and Family Therapy: Retrieved on February 2, 2014, from
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Cheerleading Is a Sport Essay
Cheerleading started as a male endeavor in 1898, when a University of Minnesota football fan led the crowd in verse in support of their team. It was not until World War II, when men shipped out to war, that women took over. Then cheerleaders came to represent the American ideal of femininity: wholesome apple pie with washboard stomachs, perfect teeth, and flawless complexions. Stereotypes cast them as blond, petite, and impossibly perky. â€Å"From its humble beginning cheerleading has blossomed into a competitive athletic activity with a serious image problem†(Forman 52). But today’s post-feminist youth have put a new, diverse face on cheerleading. Cheerleading in America is no longer a matter of waving pom-poms, a cute smile and being overly perky. Calling themselves athletes, not eye candy, cheerleaders are pushing harder for recognition as participants in an official sport. Today, cheerleading involves skills which require the strength of football, the grace of dance, and the agility of gymnastics. Complex maneuvers are performed which challenge the limits of the body. Safety organizations such as the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators were formed to develop safety rules to guide programs in the safe performance of cheerleading gymnastics, which include jumps, partner stunts, pyramids and tumbling. With the risks involved today, cheerleading should receive statewide recognition as a sport. Opposition to making cheerleading a sport, continually say, cheerleaders are not athletes. Confirmation of this lies in the position paper of Women’s Sports Foundation, â€Å"any physical activity in which relative performance can be judged or quantified can be developed into a competitive sport as long as (1) the physical activity includes the above defined elements and (2) the primary purpose is competition versus other teams or individuals within a competition structure comparable to other athletics’ activities†¦Cheerleading in its current format, does not meet the second criteria listed above. The primary purpose is not competition, but that of raising school unity through leading the crowd at athletic functions. †(Forman 51) Yet, as sports like football, basketball, and wrestling become more popular, so does the cheerleaders. Nay-Sayers of the movement are content to have cheerleaders just be the â€Å"back-up dancers†. Not understanding that cheerleaders are just as important as the sports teams they cheer for. Challengers say cheerleaders do not have the same time commitments as other sports teams. While they also do not recognize the physical strain put on cheerleaders bodies and the increased risk for injuries. The long-held view of cheerleading as merely another school activity is also a concern. If the athleticism of cheerleading is not recognized, the supervision will continue to fall to teachers that are not qualified to adequately supervise. Additionally, existing advisors will not receive the training necessary to provide adequate supervision of an increasingly athletic activity. Cheerleading has all the elements of a sport: competition, practice skills, teamwork, and training. It also has a year round commitment. â€Å"An important movement in the world of cheerleading is the struggle to legitimate the activity in the eyes of the public, said Laura Grindstaff, assistant professor of sociology and cultural studies at the University of California-Davis†(Coman â€Å"Cheerleading is now risker†). Cheerleaders are struggling to gain the recognition and respect they deserve for their sport. Although some colleges offer cheerleading scholarships, cheerleaders still face discrimination in high school and college athletics. It is alarming considering all the new risks involved that it has yet to be mandated in all states as a sport. Twenty six state athletic organizations have deemed cheerleading should be recognized as a sport, but what about the other twenty five? â€Å"Cheerleading was excluded as a sport when Title IX was passed, which forbids sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding†(Rondon 98). Title IX was supposed to be legislation that mandated that boys and girls receive equal sporting opportunities. But even certification only requires that coaches pass an online test; there’s no requirement for training in gymnastics or spotting techniques. †(Ebersole â€Å"Thrills and Spills†). And only about a dozen states regulate cheer according to the rules set by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). For high school football, on the other hand, all states follow the NFHS rulebook except Texas, which uses the NCAA college-level rules. â€Å"Soccer, hockey, basketball, and gymnastics cannot compete when it comes to serious back problems, fractures and, in grave cases paralysis†(Forman 51). Cheerleading is not considered a sport, so none of the safeguards that other sports have developed applies†(Forman 52). In the two states where cheerleading is classified as a sport, cheerleaders are subject to the same rules as athletes, regarding practice and travel restrictions, safety, camps, and coaching certification. Cheerleaders need th e guarantee of proper training room, proper medical care, and proper checks and screenings for participants. If properly recognized teams would be provided better training facilities, coaches would be properly trained, injuries would decrease and funding for the programs would increase. With every aspect of cheerleading becoming increasingly difficult cheerleading deserves the state-wide recognition as a sport just as any other physical sporting activity. In the words of Kane of the Tucker Center, â€Å"when the culture starts rewarding cheerleading in the same way in which it rewards women and men sports with economic parity and scholarships, not simply regulated to the sidelines, then I think we’re onto something†(Rondon 99). No longer content to just cheer on the sidelines, cheerleaders are now demanding the respect they so rightfully deserve.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
U.S. Federal Government Expansion
UNIT 1 INDIVIDUAL PROJECT HIST105-1204B-14 U. S. History By Espola R. Smith AIU Online October 7, 2012 Abstract The U. S. federal government expansion of authority between the beginning of the U. S. Civil War and the end of the Civil Right Era had many historical events that took place. You will learn about some of these events that went on between the times of the Civil War and the Civil Right Era. These events have played a major role in the world today. They have made the world what it is today. You will learn the time periods in which the acts were enacted; these altogether are relevant periods that happened.UNIT 1 Individual Project Everything that happened in the U. S. federal government expansion of authority between the beginning of the U. S. Civil War and the end of the Civil Right Era was very important. The events that happen have had an effect on everything that is going on in the world today. Some people do not know it, but what happen is still affecting the way that thi ngs are being done today. There are plenty examples of the things that happened. One example of U. S. federal government expansion of authority between the beginnings of the U.S. Civil War and the end of the Civil Right Era were in 1865 when Congress was authorized to eliminate slavery. By doing this they created the thirteenth amendment. The Proclamation to stop slavery had already been presented. It was an executive order. The political structure showed that the Proclamation granted Congress the power to enforce through legislation, which is considered the most important part (Tony, 2012). This gave them the ability to go ahead and take further action against the Ten Confederate States.This gave the government a way to introduce and pass further proclamations and anything else they had to do in regards to the rights of slaves. Social structures showed that the full civil rights were still way off. The law and public opinion were not always on the same page. While knowing that by l aw freed slaves and their descendants were citizens and they still had the same rights as whites, but they were still getting treated differently than others (Tony, 2012). The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was another example. It was passed on 9th April 1866. This act declared that everybody that was born in the United States were now citizens.As being a citizen, they could now make and enforce contracts, sue and be sued, give evidence in court, and inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property. People who denied the rights to former slaves were guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction they were faced with a fine, imprisonment, or both (Reconstruction, 2003). The Force Act of 1870 was another example of the federal government expansion. This force act was passed by the congress of the United States shortly after the American Civil War helped protect the voting rights of African-Americans.This act enforced the right to the people of the United States to vo te in the several States. In this act, the government banned the use of certain things to prevent people from voting because of their race. The Force Acts were mainly aimed at limiting the Ku Klux Klan.. Thus the federal government had the power to prosecute the offenses, including calling federal juries to hear the cases (Shay, 2012). My last example of the federal government expansion happened in 1869. On May 10, 1869 was the completion of the first Transcontinental Railroad.This railroad was also known originally as the â€Å"Pacific Railroad†and later as the â€Å"Overland Route†. It was a railroad that was built in the United States of America between 1863 and 1869 by the Central Pacific Railroad of California. A transcontinental railroad had been dreamed of as early as 1836 ((Completing the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869, 2004). The transcontinental railroad had long been a dream for people living in the American West. From time to time it was suggested by visi onaries and discussed by the orators and newspapers.The first transcontinental railroad link was almost instantly celebrated around the nation because a telegraph wire was connected to the last rail spiked. For many Americans, the new transcontinental link seemed to usher in a new era. The completion of the transcontinental railroad made the American West easily accessible, creating a boon of trade, business and population. The railroad has brought the country together (Completing the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869, 2004). These historical events have led to social, political, economic, and cultural change within the United States. They are important in the world today.If these historical events would not have taken place, than the world would be different as of the things that are going on today. It is a good thing that these events did take place, because it has made the world what is today. Not saying that the world is perfect, but it is better today than it was in the past. How ever, these events have made the world a better place. These events have changed the way people think and how they do things now. I am so glad that the historical events took place. If I had to grow up in the world before these events happen, I do not know if I would have been able to handle it.It was rough back in the day, but that is part of life. References â€Å"Completing the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869†. (2004). EyeWitness to History. Retrieved from www. eyewitnesstohistory. com. Reconstruction. (Dec. 19, 2003). Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/reconstruction/activism/ps_1866. html Shay, A. (May 31, 2012). Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement. Retrieved from https://lcrm. lib. unc. edu/blog/index. php/tag/force-act-of-1870/ Tony, P. (Jan. 31, 2012). U. S. Congress. Retrieved from http://www. newsinhistory. com/blog/us-congress-passes-13th-amendment-abolish-slavery
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Work, Labor, and Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Work, Labor, and Play - Essay Example The essay focuses on global issues and talks about people’s attitude and behavior in their jobs. This discussion will investigate Auden’s definition of work and labor, differences between labor and work, the relationship that play has between labor and work, and the results of technology and current division of labor with respect to play, labor and work. Discussion Summary of the Article Arendt’s Classification of Labor and Work Auden investigates Arendt’s categorization of work, play and labor in his article. Arendt linked the labor concept to processes of biology, death and life and to surviving organisms following the lifecycle whereby the animal produces consumer products and non-durable products required to maintain human life. According to Arendt, laboring activities are continuous (without an end) as long as man is alive. Work, on the other hand, is what people do – what is produced by human hands and effort from their environment. It is the use of objects to produce durable goods (Arendt 51). Work, play and labor are vital activities of humanity, and play and work give human beings freedom for human necessities. Labor is a mere turmoil which primary purpose is immediate life need satisfaction. Differences between Work and Labor Auden discusses how work is exciting and amusing, and labor is unexciting. ... In other words, one is forced to perform the task because of the benefit necessary to earn a living and support his family (Auden and Kirsch 24). A person cannot attain self-worth, freedom and excitement as a laborer because a necessity force always compels him to perform a certain task which he does not take pleasure in doing. Similarly, Auden suggests that work is more pleasurable to a person who loves his tasks and assignment, and the society does not compel him to perform the task. It is a person who performs his task even if it is outside his specialization. According to Auden, to be categorized as workers or laborers depends on the preference of the person undertaking the task, not the task itself. The Relationship among Play, Work and Labor Play is crucial to the laborer’s challenges. In his article â€Å"Labor, Work and Play,†Auden argues that when people participate in a game (play), they enjoy what they are doing. Otherwise, people should not play, although i t is a personal matter whether people play or not. Leisure determines the character of a person. For instance, workers take some time off to refresh and increase efficiency and productivity. A laborer sees leisure and time off as an opportunity to free him from slavery. Similarly, a laborer attempts to take available time, where a worker thinks that time is a hassle. Additionally, workers take advantage of any little time off and leisure time. Results of Technology and Current Divisions of Labor Auden argues that technology can be extremely crucial and can be the most detrimental accomplishment to the soul of a man. This is because, in the end, technology and current division of labor will turn the future world into laborers (Auden and
Monday, August 12, 2019
Evaluation of HRM and Organisation Behaviour Theories Frameworks Coursework - 1
Evaluation of HRM and Organisation Behaviour Theories Frameworks - Coursework Example The paper tells that the ever-changing business environment, increased opportunities and demand for career orientation requires a strategic approach to human resources management. The HR managers must be aware of the skills gap among their employees and identify the need for the essential skills. The success of the organization depends upon the capability of the staff to tap the talents and the skills of the staff. This demands a holistic approach to recruitment and growth and development of people. The difference between success and failure depends upon the recruitment and retaining the right people with the right skills in the right position. Recruitment methods can be formal and informal or active and passive. While the formal methods of recruitment include job centers and press advertisements, the informal methods include a recommendation from the existing staff as well as a personal network of existing employees and others. Word-of-mouth method of recruitment has its own distinc t advantages as the existing employees that recommend new recruits would also ensure that these new recruits are immediately socialized. This is the preferred method of recruitment as it helps reduce employee turnover. The larger firms are more likely to employ the formal methods of recruitment while the smaller firms employ the informal methods of employment. The formal methods are cost-effective for larger firms as they hire in huge numbers. However, the managers are likely to face some adverse situation because those employed through informal methods are likely to receive higher performance appraisals because of the personal involvement (Tanova & Nadiri, 2005). Besides, the employees that are taken in through referrals obtain accurate information about the organization and the job role and hence they have realistic expectations. Nevertheless, the HR managers would need to evaluate the situation and make decisions based on the business environment as the formal methods have their own advantages.
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