Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Opener of Holy Quran
Introduction of Surah Al-Fatiha:Al-Fatiha means â€Å"The Opener†. Because it opens the Holy Quran and also by its recitation we start our prayers. It is also called the â€Å"Mother of the Holy Quran†. That's because the meaning of the whole Quran is summarized into surah Al-Fatiha. It is the Mecci Surah of the Holy Quran and contains 7 verses.But it still explains the admiration of Allah Almighty in a very comprehensive way. The theme of the Surah Al-Fatiha:Allah has taught in this Surah to mankind to thank Allah (SWT) for everything and to offer prayer to Him, who is the Lord of this universe. Islam obliges a man to initiate everything with the name of Allah. By having a solid belief, we will keep ourselves away from evil and wrong deeds. Then there is the prayer of Allah Who is Master, Owner, Sustainer, Provider, Guardian, Sovereign, Ruler, Administrator, and Organizer. Then it is added that He is the Master of the Day of Judgment, thus, everyone is accountable for his deeds. Mankind is the only worshiper of the Lord and for this reason, mankind is requesting for guidance in every aspect of life. The guidance which makes mankind favorable is required. The one who will be astray will suffer the wrath of Allah (SWT).Virtues of Surah Al-Fatiha:There are many virtues associated with this Surah. Two of them are described below,1. Pillar of the Salah: This surah has a great importance in prayer. If we don't read it in our Salah, our prayer will not be valid or void. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, Surah al-Fatiha is â€Å"The Mother of the Quran, the Mother of the Book, the Seven Oft-Repeated Verses and the Great recitation.†(Tirmidhi)2. The cure for the disease: Hazrat Abu Saeed al-Khudri narrates: â€Å"While on a journey we halted at a place. A girl came to us and said: â€Å"The chief of this tribe has been stung by a scorpion and our men are not present, is there anybody amongst you who can recite something upon him to treat him?†Then, one of our men went along with her although we did not think that he knew any such treatment. However, our friend went to the chief and recited something upon him and the chief was cured. Thereupon, the chief gave him thirty sheep and gave us all milk to drink. When he returned, we asked our friend: â€Å"Did you know anything to recite upon him to cure him?†He said: â€Å"No, I only recited Umm al-Kitab (i.e. Surah al-Fatiha) upon him. †We said that do not do anything until we reach Madinah and ask the Prophet regarding this (practice and reward-whether the sheep were lawful or not for us). Upon reaching Madinah, we narrated this to the Prophet (PBUH), whereupon he remarked: â€Å"How did he come to know that Al-Fatiha can be used as a cure? (PBUH) Distribute your reward amongst yourselves and a lot a share for me as well†.†(Sahih Bukhari)Tafseer of verses of Surah Al-FatihaVerse # 01, In the name of Allah: It is the first verse of the Surah Al-Fatiha. It means, â€Å"In the name of Allah, the beneficial and most merciful. It is very good to recite it before doing any work. â€Å"In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.†The beginning of the Holy Quran is with the name of Allah Almighty, who is the most Beneficient, the most Merciful. This phrase is known as Bismillah and is essential to recite doing anything. It seeks mercy and blessing of Allah and is better to recite before starting any work. Verse no 2 The second verse of the Surah-Al-Fatihah is:†(All) praise is (only) Allah's, the Lord of the worlds.†(Al-Fatihah: 2)After reciting the phrase Bism-il-lah-is-Rahim, our first objective is to bring our mind toward the Great Creator and Cherisher of the world, and His infinite rewards which have fenced us thoroughly. â€Å"Al-Hamd†means â€Å"thanks†same is the meaning of â€Å"secular†, but there is a difference between these two words. Hamd is done with the love of Allah Almighty, but on the other hand, shukar is the response of endless bounties which were awarded by Allah Almighty. Then we come to â€Å"Rabb-UL-Aalameen†the meaning of â€Å"Rabb†is generally taken as God, but it is a lot, then that is generally translated Allah Almighty has 99 names, and all of them a possess different meanings, but the core meaning of them is that He is the one who is the creator of everything, Who has supremacy over everything, He is the one who is the Cherisher and many more. â€Å"Aalameen†means the one who is â€Å"Qadir â€Å"(supreme) on everything, who ruled everything, who is the creator of mankind and the jinn. The virtue of the VerseSo, collectively this verse means that all of the thanks and gratitude are towards Allah Almighty, who is the creator of everything in this universe though he is a jinn or anyone from mankind.Verse no 3The third verse of the Surah-Al-Fatihah is:†The Beneficent, The Merciful.†(Al-Fatihah 3) The meaning of â€Å"ar-Rehman†is the Beneficent and â€Å"ar-Rahim†is the Merciful jointly with the deep sense of meaning and the difference between them, was explained with a massive length.As explained above the meaning of these two words, but whenever a word is repeated in the Holy Quran it emphasizes its meaning. â€Å"ar-Rehman and ar-Rahim†are the most significant attributes of Allah Almighty, are repeated 30 times a day in our prayers. It also refers us to beg to Allah Almighty for mercy on us, Allah wants that His people to ask Him for mercy.Verse no 4The fourth verse of Surah-Al-Fatihah is:†Master of the Day of judgment.†(Al-Fatihah 4)In this ayah, our attention is brought toward the second vital principle of Islam, which is the Resurrection and the Hereafter, when it says â€Å"Master of the Day of judgment†. It is a basic base of all moral and social developments in Man, reaches the peak of perfection when its attention is brought toward the end of his life and his attention is brought to where he is going after this life.The word â€Å"Maalik† is referred to someone who possesses something completely and â€Å"the Day of judgment†is the day of final judgment on which everyone is brought to a platform at which justice is done according to the law of Almighty. Allah Almighty is the Lord of everything from the day when the universe was created to the day when it is again being destroyed.The virtue of the verse This verse of the Holy Quran has a clear message for the mankind that only Allah Almighty is the one Who is â€Å"Maalik†of the day of judgment. So, we should get prepared for the day when we will have to come in front of the creator and answer about all of the sins and good deeds we had done in the present world. Verse no 5 The fifth verse of Surah-Al-Fatihah is:†Thee (alone) do we worship and of Thee (only) do we seek help. â€Å"(Al-Fatihah 5)†Thee (alone) do we worship†means Allah is the only Essence to be relied on and worshipped. By admitting that we worship Allah Almighty, we are humble before Allah Almighty and to confess our servitude to Allah and to His Pure Essence help to make us successful in this great challenge. â€Å"Thee (only) do we seek help†is clearly referring towards the Cherished blessings of Allah Almighty, and bringing our attention toward the point that he is the only one who can help us at all. No one else in the universe can help us in any matter. â€Å"Iyyaaka nasta'een†It is in our fitrah too that whenever we indulge in any kind of problem we ask Almighty for help unintentionally no matter whatever our resources are? The virtue of the verseThis verse possesses a very charming message for the believers of Allah Almighty that we only worship Allah Almighty by all aspects of life, no matter what the condition is, also it is the only source of becoming successful in the final exam. And it is only Allah Almighty from which we can seek help as he is the most Beneficial and Merciful.Verse no 6The sixth verse of Surah-Al-Fatihah is:†Guide us (o' Lord) on the straight path. â€Å"In this verse, we are asking Allah Almighty for help in the form of dua. By saying â€Å"guide us (o'Lord)†we ask Allah Almighty to show us the right path and guide us on it, in the result, we will get guidance which eventually brings us closer and nearer to Allah Almighty which will result in success. The meaning of†Straight Path†is â€Å"Sirat-e-Mustqeem†. Moreover, this straight path is the very Divine faith, has some phases. Whatever phase a person gains, there is still some higher stage above them that a person may ask Allah to guide him to reach. â€Å"Mustqeem†can be defined as istaqaama which means upright. In the beginning, we asked for a straight path so, why we are requesting for it again, it is only on to emphasize the objective to get the straight path. In another meaning, mustqeem refers to remain firm or to stand firm without tilting.The virtue of this verse In the whole ayah, we are asking Allah Almighty to guide us to follow the right path or the straight path and help us to remain us on the right and straight path because it is the only way that we can get to the Paradise. If we tilted a little or toasted minorly this can be a fatal matter for our success as Allah Almighty is the justest.Verse no 7The seventh verse of Surah-Al-Fatihah is:†The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy bounties, not (the path) of those inflicted with Thy wrath, nor (of those) gone astray†This verse is, indeed, a clear illustration of the straight path which was dealt with in the previous verse. By this verse, we can clearly understand that the follower asks Allah Almighty to guide him on those with whom He has blessed with many kinds of blessings. In this verse, we ask Allah Almighty that guides us with the path of those which you had blessed and gave your endless bounties, not with those who were strayed from their path and are in great loss. The virtue of the verseWe bow before Allah Almighty to guide us on the path of those which were awarded by Almighty's fruitful awards, not to those who were strayed and are in great loss.Impact of Surah Al-Fatiha on the life of a Muslim as a servant of AllahSurah Al-Fatiha is the said to be the mother of the Holy Quran and it has a core message of the Holy Quran. As a Muslim Surah Al-Fatiha has shall have a positive and significant impact on us. As it has very clearly been mentioned in the â€Å"verse 3†that Allah Almighty is the Lord of the day of the judgment and all of us has to stand on the platform of justice and there, justice will be done on pure merit. So, as a servant of Allah, we should ask him for â€Å"mercy†.We should ask the Almighty for guidance and siraat-e-mustqeem, so we can remain on the right path. Servant of Allah will surely seek the path of one who is succeeded in his final run, and he will avoid the path of those who strayed from the divine path and bound to hell. Holy Quran is not only our holy book, but a source of great knowledge, and we cannot deny the practical significance of this fact even disbeliever of the holy prophet admit it.So, Quran is the source of knowledge to get success in the final run. And Surah Fatiha has all the aspects which are explained in the Holy book so. So, it implies significant impact on the life of a Muslim.
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