Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Information Management and Control
Question: Discuss about the Information Management and Control. Answer: Introduction Ausmed Education is a nursing education and innovation organization situated in North Melbourne, Australia. Ausmed has practical experience in electronic and mechanical applications that help medical caretakers in their Continuing Professional Development. Cynthea Wellings established Ausmed as a little nursing distribution organization in 1987. After independence they published a book called Urinary Continence. The organization proceeded to providing medical attendant services guide in the 1990s. By the 2000s the company started concentrating on training innovators, particularly in medical field. The company also offer birth specialists training, including online CPD courses and association software. In May 2014, the organization launch Ausmed-on-the-Go, an iPhone application that streams diseases. Administering the information management and control policy is exceptionally vital on an organization private data security. The stakeholders need to note the dangers of information leakage. The results of the leakage may cause a company millions of losses. Furthermore, it will cause instability in an association. Along these lines, firms like Ausmed has built up some mechanism to curb the rise of cyber-attack activities(Wernz, 2014). Those mechanisms have enhanced and protect the companys information system from being spied on by the enemies. Furthermore, information management is the way towards recognizing companys loopholes which may pose future threat to the company(Zvezdov, 2012). Those organizations which lack the capacity to control how their clients data privacy is shared, are in a danger of losing trust from their customers. For the business to function smoothly, they must recognize the needs to distinguish such dangers so as to block them from penetrating to the companys s ystem. Purpose Ideally, this study attempts to investigate and assess the relevancy of risk management in healthcare in Australia as guided by Ausmed as a consultative agency. Moreover, the study provides elaborative solutions to eminent risks and indicates primacy of risk communication for an organization. Scope The study further examines how the risk management influences the decision of the management in the healthcare. It also highlights proper ways in which it may be carried out in an organization. Methods Secondary sources such as journal on risk management were very vital in collection of relevant information about the activities carried out by Ausmed in offering their services on appropriate measures that nursing department ought to take in dispensing their activities and ways of obliterating chances of risks in their departments. Research The primary aim of this research is to conduct some risk assessments in Ausmed Education in the view of identifying, analyzing and taking appropriate measures in order to curb the possible risks that would hinder proper functionality of the healthcare(Pollack Adler, 2014). Different journals were very instrumental. Once the firm has identified the eminent risks in the organization, it would devise proper strategies to counter them or totally obliterate the risk from occurring in the organization(MilosÃÅ'Å’, 2016). It is important to define risks as any possible threat to the firm. It is explicitly clear that risks may halt the activities of the firm if not well identified and countered within an organization(Orset, 2014). Some of the possible risks in an organization are enumerated as follows; compliance risk, financial, fire, development, manufacture, growth, theft, risk of uncertainties and legal liability risks. Jones (2012) when the firm produces the product it is susceptibl e to some risks such as whether the given product has met the required quality set by the standards and regulation body dealing with a given product(Dani, 2015). When such products has not met the given threshold, there is higher likelihood of manufacturer incurring great loss since the commodity may not be admissible in the market. There are multiple risks associated with manufacturing of a product. According to Ausmed Education, it has enumerated these challenges so as to aid the manufacture of pharmaceutical product on adherence to safety regulation as provisioned by Food and Poisons body(Volkanovski, 2013). This body is mandated with the responsibility of seeing to it that the health of pharmaceutical users is guaranteed through the certification of the said drugs before its dispensation(Trkman, 2016). The firm may want to expand its business. In expanding the firm, a business may incur some risks of growth such as challenges in implementing its strategic plan. Dahlin (2012) asserts that most of this risks may be unpredictable in the firm. This may be as a result of calamity such as flood or fluctuations in the business performance. However, the firm may devise some workable solution to counter such cases(KozÅ‚owski, 2012). Ausmed Education offers consultative services to the nursing department on how to avert cases of unpredictability in their organization(Eskerod, 2015). Nursing fraternity ought to be fully trained on how to manage issues of unpredictable circumstances so as to know how best to take care of the patients without arousing or raising animosity in the system(Goucher, 2011). The firm may be exposed to threat such as burglary or robbery within the organization. Most of the firm have ever experienced such cases in one level or another. Legal risks may result due to the firm not being able to pay taxes accruing to great amount of money that may affect the firms growth and progress. Formal risk assessment Dani (2015) aserts that there are risks related with the need to conform to the rules and regulations of the government. The firm may have been obliged to adhere to a given set of regulation and rules by the government other agencies. It is always important for the firm to conform to the set rules of either the land or other relevant compliance laws that the firm is entitled to. Depending on the nature of the business, every business falls under a given industry. These industries have clear regulations and policies and therefore, it is prudent for the firm to know these regulations and policies(Dahlin, 2012). Lack of compliance puts the firm on very uncompromising situation since it is going to be at loggerheads with the concerned authority. In most cases, those organization that fail to adhere to these laws, they usually find themselves in problem and this may also culminate to the closure of the organization. Financial risks This implies the risk associated to the financial matters of the firm. This may come as a result of not having proper regulation to control monetary circulation and its usage in the organization (Tripp, 2012). As such, most of the organization find some of the executive official engaging in embezzlement of fund making the firm to be at risk of collapsing. If proper measures are not taken into consideration, the company may lose a lot of money through unscrupulous and dubious means by its leaders and other staffs(Hamilton, 2014). Matter of finance is very sensitive issue in any organization since it determines whether the firm is stable and sustainable. Finance is one of the dichotomies of sustainability. It lies under the economic performance. From different researches that have been conducted in different companies in Australia, it is evident that a firm collapses if there are no clear regulations in controlling the usage of finance in the organization. When there are no clear regul ations, it implies that leaders may use that opportunity to amass wealth for themselves at the expense of the core objective of the company. Fire Threats of fire are very common in most of the healthcare. It is in this view that health centers ought to put some regulatory and safety measures to curb such situations from occurring in the firm(Vaujany, 2015). The risk of fire may be averted if the firm decides to educate and train its staff on safety regulation concerning such risk. It is imperative for Ausmed Education to fully sensitize its staff on the primacy of safety measures in case of fire there in the organization(Hamilton, 2014). This will go hand in hand with the first aid training in order for healthcare to be at a better position to counter the said challenges. Installation of fire extinguisher at different location is also important for the firm. Since Ausmed Education is a nursing education institution, it is prudent for the management to also training its staff on the process of evacuation to minimize cases of casualty in case of fire break out(Geiger, 2015). Moreover, Ausmed Education has managed to avert this c ase by designing proper emergency doors to enhance safety of its workforce. On the same breathe, since the organization is erected, its elevators have also been designed in such a manner to be easier to control in case of emergency. Development risks These are all the risks associated with the development of the organization. It encompasses the risk related to the firms input in realizing a given project within its premises. When an organization is carrying out its activities of expanding the firm, it incurs a lot of cost which when not looked at it critically, it may put the firm at a quagmire state(Hung, 2012). Ausmed Education has laid down proper strategies to counter such anomaly occurring in their institution. It is important to state that the organization needs to carry out empirical survey on its development project to ascertain where some corrective measures ought to be initiated. Similarly, this risks may be expunged from the system if there is clear communication among the executive(Dey, 2015). In addition to this, it is also important for the management to fully incorporate its junior staff in some of decision making in order to get their view as they may be very instrumental in the firm in guiding on proper measures to be devised or undertaken. Marketing risks These are threats that a given firm is exposed to during the process of marketing. The firm may incur a lot of loss if they have not taken thorough analysis of the market competition. This implies that the firm may have invested heavily on the advertising process without putting into consideration some of the predominant factors that affects the firms brand (Abbadi, 2014). If this is not looked at deeply, it may result to incredible loss in the firm. Ausmed Education may face this risk if it has not laid down proper measures to fully counter it. The aforesaid company may analyze marketing risk by determining the amount of finance it channels in marketing their brand(Jones, 2012). It is important to underscore that effective advisements of the firm is very crucial as it allows people from diversified parts of the nation to be aware what kind of services they offer. Communication of the risk According to Project Management Journal authored by Pollack and Adler (2014) effective communication is very important in any organization. Risk communication is the process of informing people, community, staff of the possible risks within their working operation and how to counter them in case it arises(Boutaba, 2015). The role of risk communication cannot be overlooked and it is in this view that this work explicates some of its disadvantages in the normal setting. Virtually, communication of risks explains the impact of risks to the organization. It also provides basis on how the firm needs to prepare for such risks by allocating proper resources so as to avert them. Moreover, it outlines the difference that exists between hazards and risks(Lester, 2014). The aim of communication of risks is to prepare an individual effectively to deal with fears that may arise out of a given risk occurrence. For most of the people, it is not easy to deal with fear; however prior knowledge prepar es the person in advance on how to manage such fears. Similarly, it improves on understanding of different risks and appropriate strategies that ought to be laid down to manage them(Byrnes, 2015). This goes along way with the primacy of understanding how risk management influences the decision making of the executives. Additionally, communication on possible risks creates an avenue where unpredictable elements are highlighted and discussed it in the view of bettering ones understanding on the risks. In normal circumstances, there is no way one would say that their property or assets are purely safe from any possible risks(Miles, 2012). It is in this view that regular assessment ought to be made to ascertain other risks that may have emerged in the system. All this understanding are clearly elaborated and expounded at this level of communication which is very paramount for an organization(Chaki, 2015). Primarily, communication improves on transparency and allows the organization or business to fully implement any risks. It is therefore important to state that the communication on risk management prepares one in dealing with viable conflicts in the said environment. It is always important for the firm to identify that everyone in the organization is very instrumental and thereby communication is very vital for every team player in the organization. This is because when the institution works as a team, there is higher likelihood of such organization functioning well and able to avert the cases. In nutshell, the primary role of communication of risk is that it enlightens different parties on the possible steps to take in order to avert and prevalent risks in the system. Recommendation As it has been enumerated above, communication of risks plays a very instrumental role in creating awareness about the viable risks that a firm is exposed to. Therefore, the firm needs to clear train its staff on possible way of combating prevalent risks. The company should emphasize on the need of ensuring safety at all time and cost in the organization. The firm ought to ensure that the working place is a safe environment where the employees may dispense their activities well(Oliver, 2014). There is more need for the management to provide appropriate or safety gears to its supporting team in the view of preparedness for any possible risks in the firm. On the same breathe, the, management should clearly stipulate particular region or place where they may access the required material in case of fire break out in the organization. Since it has been identified that Ausmed offers education and consultative services to the nursing fraternity in Australia. It would be prudent for the nurs es to fully initiate the practical skills they acquire from the firm in their healthcare to reduce any possible risks that may be very costly to the organization. Notably, the firm should conduct their periodic survey so as to identify possible threat besieging the firm or healthcare(Ross, 2015). Regular assessment is very important as the assessment is geared towards identification and providing possible ways to manage or even obliterate the risks in their organization. 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